Kotronik system for trailer
Pair of deflectors light for 1/14 scale trucks Kotroniksystem. choose the correct OPTION. 130mm length width 10mm with 150mm long cable.
Infrared receiver board for system Kotronik light.
Complet kit for 1 truck and 1 trailer (light not included). Compatible with tamiya truck (1/14)
trailer rear light kit (with 7 light boxes) Included: 2 rear light board Kotronik system and 2 plastic light holder Veroma ref 207037 and a "Y" cable.
rear light board for trailer RC 1/14 Kotronik system Included: 2 rear board
Rear light decoding board for Kotronik system.To be use on RC vehicle or trailer. 5 lighting functions
multi-socket for Kotronik system board. Permit to plug up to 5 boards from Kotronik system (F1000 serie)
Main board to manage the light of RC vehicle included : 1 main board